Home office distractions:
1) Household Chores
2) Other people you live with
3) Social media

4) Running personal errands
5) Cluttered or noisy surroundings
6) Texting with friends and family
How to prevent them:
1) Stick to a schedule, plan two-hour blocks with specific tasks you will be working on. You can do this on a Friday afternoon for the following week. When a new two-hour block starts, use integrity in the moment of choice.
2) Go into "Do Not Disturb Mode" during work hours and then be hyper present for your loved ones during non-work hours.
3) If you have a cell phone just for work, put your personal phone out of arms reach and do not download any social media apps on your work phone. Otherwise turn off push notifications and train yourself not to go check social media during work time.
4) USE INTEGRITY IN THE MOMENT OF CHOICE. You save time commuting to a workplace, use that time to get personal errand done.
5) Build yourself a workplace with all items needed to keep a clean workplace i.e. shredder, filing cabinets, trash can, pencil holder, etc.
6) Put that personal phone away if possible, otherwise stick to your schedule and tasks which will make you feel like you were productive at the end of the day.
Final thought: Stop using the word "try". Saying "I will try" is having the intention to fail! Just do it.